Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Where can you get repair powder in Dark Souls II?

How to get repair powder in Dark Souls II

In Shaded Woods(Ruins) area of Dark Souls 2, there is place with a giant hole on the ground. When you fall through it you will enter a small cave which has acid pits. At first I didn’t know it was an acid pit so I stepped on it and as a result my equipment were damaged. My ring of restoration and ring of blades were completely broken. However, it did manage to save some of my  by using the repair powder on time and then carefully avoiding those pits to make my way out of that cave. I found out later that the damaged stuffs could also be fully repaired by simply resting at the bonfire. However, the ones that were totally wrecked could only be repaired by the Majula Blacksmith (Lenigrast). After this brief yet surprising incident, I went looking for more repair powder so that I can use it later if needed. So where can you get repair powder in Dark Souls II? Where do you buy it?

Note that the repair powder doesn’t fully restore your items and it doesn't work if it’s totally broken. It restores 30 durability to weapons, 50 to armor, 20 to rings. A lot of people have problem finding repair powder but you can find it in many places and also buy it from NPCs like the Blacksmith and Steady Hand McDuff. However, for infinite repair powder you will need to reach the Drangleic Castle and then talk with the merchant named Chancellor Wellager. The Drangleic Castle area is pretty far in the game though. 

Locations of repair powder in Dark Souls 2

  •  x1 purchasable from Blacksmith Lenigrast in Majula for 2,500 souls
  • x1 found on a corpse in Lost Bastille after riding on top of the elevator down near the entrance from No Man's Wharf
  • x1 purchasable from Steady Hand McDuff in Lost Bastille for 2,500 souls after you give him the Dull Ember
  • x1 in a chest in No Man's Wharf
  • x1 sold by Magerold of Lanafir for 2500 souls.
  • x1 found on a corpse in Iron Keep along with a Soul of a Proud Knight.
  • x5 In Drangleic Castle in the shortcut near the Mastodon Knights, Syan Knights and Archers (near Central Castle Drangleic Bonfire). The room also contains an Estus Flask Shard and 10 Flame Butterflies (It is possible to run past all the knights, however keep in mind that two Syan Knights will follow you in there, and the only way out is by not only pulling a lever, but by opening a door, so prepare to turn around and engage in a 2v1 fight).
  • Rare drop from Grave Wardens in Undead Crypt
  • Dropped by the rats in Grave of Saints
  • Dropped by Sanctum Knights in Dragon's Sanctum
  • Infinitely purchasable from Chancellor Wellager in Drangleic Castle, for 2,500 souls each.